LCA-CARE project- Collect, Analyze, Report, and Evolve for eco-innovative SME’s

Step Forward to the Newest IfaS Project: Driving Eco-Innovation with the LCA CARE Project

We are excited to share the latest insights and updates from the Institute for Applied Material Flow Management (IfaS), a pioneering research institute at Trier University of Applied Sciences, nestled within the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld (ECB). Our commitment to sustainability has no bounds. While we maintain strong collaborations within Germany and neighboring European countries, our influence extends globally. In our latest endeavor, IfaS proudly joins the LCA-CARE project—an initiative dedicated to delivering eco-innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within the agri-food sector.

In partnership with IfaS, the LCA-CARE project—Collect, Analyze, Report, and Evolve— to uplift the eco-innovation within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the agri-food sector. By leveraging the collective expertise of 12 beneficiary organizations and 5 associated partners spanning Portugal, Bulgaria, Germany, Lithuania, and Spain, this consortium aims to equip SMEs with innovative tools and training initiatives tailored to enhance their ecological footprint. This project is proudly funded by the European Union under the ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-ALL-INNO program which provides alliances towards Partnerships for Innovation.

The project’s core lies in developing and implementing the LCA-CARE tool—a cloud-based application designed to streamline Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) processes for SMEs. This user-friendly tool, complemented by a comprehensive digital guide, empowers SMEs to assess and optimize the life cycle of their products, thereby empowering a transition towards greener practices and eco-innovative solutions.

However, the LCA-CARE project goes beyond mere tool development. Through capacity-building initiatives, including post-graduate training programs and specialized courses on product LCA, academic partners aim to empower SME managers with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of eco-innovation. Furthermore, a series of short learning modules will offer practical insights into LCA methodologies, enabling companies to (re)design more sustainable goods, services, or processes.

In addition to these educational efforts, the project seeks to raise social and consumer awareness of the importance of eco-innovation. Through a diverse array of national and international events—such as focus groups, workshops, conferences, and a final conference—the LCA-CARE project aims to engage with SMEs, education and training providers, students, professionals, and the wider community. The project aims to catalyze a broader shift towards sustainable practices within the agri-food sector and beyond by fostering meaningful interactions and facilitating consistent communication.

At its center, the project seeks to address five key needs identified through extensive research and needs assessment. Firstly, there is a glaring lack of tailored methods for small companies to assess and improve their environmental impact. Existing LCA tools often fail to meet the accessibility and usability requirements crucial for SMEs. Moreover, the scarcity of human resources with sufficient competencies in LCA and sustainable (re)design processes further intensifies the issue. This gap highlights the urgent need for an innovative LCA tool specifically tailored to the needs of SMEs, complemented by targeted training initiatives to enhance the skillset of professionals and future leaders in the field.

The specific objectives of the project are carefully designed to address these needs comprehensively. They include researching existing LCA tools and success criteria to develop an innovative tool tailored for SMEs, developing and testing this tool alongside a digital user guide, designing specialized courses and training programs targeting SME managers and professionals, and creating short learning units/modules to integrate LCA and eco-innovation insights into existing educational programs.

By achieving these objectives, the project aims to increase the level of knowledge and readiness of SME managers and innovation leaders to tackle the complexities of the goods and service life cycle, to enhance the quality and capability of educational offers. Moreover, it will promote lifelong learning and innovation processes within SMEs.

With these critical needs and objectives, the LCA-CARE project strives to make a significant shift towards sustainability within the agri-food sector, fostering the adoption of eco-innovative solutions and paving the way for a more environmentally conscious future.

The project partners include Universitas Cooperativa de Ensino Superior de Invespt, Instituto Europeu de Estudos Superiores-I.E.E.S., Kauno Kolegija, Universidad De Salamanca, Ikonomicheski Universitet-Varna, Institute for Applied Material Flow Management (IfaS), Inova+- Innovation Services, Sociedade Panificadora Costa & Ferreira, LPL-SA, Industria Agroalimentarias de Avila, Sunrise, and Govindas Manufaktur GmbH & Co. KG. Associated partners include Associacao Empresarial De Portugal, Associacao Integralar, Sustainable Business Association of Lithuania, Varnenska Targovsko – Industrialna Kamara, and the Associação de Cozinheiros Profissionais de Portugal.

The LCA CARE project, which runs from March 2024 to February 2027, has a total budget of €1,440,712, with €218,049 allocated to the IfaS Institute of the Trier University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Trier). In essence, the LCA-CARE project represents a pivotal step towards empowering SMEs to embrace sustainable practices, driving positive change not only within individual businesses but also within the broader industry landscape. Through collaborative efforts and innovative solutions, the project wishes to create a more sustainable and resilient future for all stakeholders involved.

For more information, please visit our project webpage and follow us on LinkedIn,


Contact Data

Project coordination in TUAS-IfaS:

Eng. Jackeline Martínez, MSc.
E-Mail: ed.supmac-tlewmu@zenitram.j │ Tel.: +49 0678217 2624

Mr. Navoda Senanayake, MSc.
E-Mail: ed.supmac-tlewmu@ekayananes.n │Tel.: +49 0678217 1607

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