UpZent in “Wir im Saarland – Saar nur!” incl. studio contribution by Prof. Dr. Peter Heck (IfaS).
When: Friday, 26.02.2021, approx. 18:50 hrs
Where: SR Television / SR Media Library
The main topic of the programme on Friday is UpZent, a project for circular economy, social action and design.
It addresses aspects of today’s “consumer and throwaway society” and raises awareness of the associated waste of resources and capital. The aim of UpZent is to professionalise the idea of upcycling through the multiple use and upgrading of industrial waste materials by means of clever product design and production in socially active workshops.
Several video clips will show the development of an UpZent product from the procurement of waste materials to the delivery to the reading and writing workshop of the Nalbach primary school.
Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Peter Heck will give a studio interview. As an expert, he will provide insights into the topic of the circular economy and contextualise the efforts of the project and its partners for the audience.