PR – Communication and Participation

Material Flow Management offers new and interesting opportunities for citizens, communities, and businesses to participate in new models of economy. But there is a lack of transparency in systems.

We can only manage, guide, and influence what is known. Informed citizens, communities, and businesses are in the position to make appropriate decisions. A major part of the criticisms of sustainable management and technology approaches are based on lacking knowledge of the subject, misinformation, and unawareness.

It will be expensive and uneconomical to confuse operating costs with total costs. Thus, new and innovative forms of awareness and capacity building as well as marketing for green innovations are becoming increasingly essential.

Therefore, IfaS is hosting workshops, conferences and information campaigns in communities and districts as part of their project orientated communication strategy. IfaS offers tailor-made information and communication campaigns for businesses and communities.


Hubig, Evi
Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Orlando, Caterina
Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Stoffstrommanagement und Null-Emission
Schönemann, Christian
Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
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